Saturday, January 17, 2009

Old friends, new friends; red friends, blue friends

It's always an interesting experience to talk to an old friend for the first time in years. Of course, there's always the fond memories and catching up to do on how things have changed. But it also makes you think of how things haven't changed... and how much you wish some things had. It's interesting; after long periods of time other people's lives always seem to have changed drastically, but we always feel like our lives haven't changed a bit, other than the number of years since we were born. I wonder, is it just me, from my perspective? Do other people see my life and think, "man, he's really gotten it together in the last couple years!" Or maybe "poor guy, his life has gone to hell!" I hope they think the former. Perhaps I haven't changed - I like to think I have. Just something to think about.

Now playing: Reel Big Fish - Nothin' But a Good Time
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Britt Curtis said...

i like your blog! so far. it's interesting. :) so what have you been up to?!